
cerita anin selama di Miss Universe

1. From a very long conversation we had, we were surprised by Miss Israel's stories that all ladies in Israel should have military force for 2 years. It shaped them to be strong ladies yet have beauty inside. And yup, she got privilege to skip the military force temporarily because she is now running for Miss Universe

2. Volunteer day
Happy volunteer day! It was a life changing experience for me to be involved in AIESEC for 4 years. I'm so grateful to be one of these International youth leaders from over 125 countries. We collaborate to run social projects in order to create positive impact to the world by motivating and developing other people who are in need. We are global volunteers!

3. With beautiful Miss Canada! When we went out this afternoon it was 11 Celcius and She said "it's like summer for me! "Well Canada 😂❄️❄️

4. 05.12.2015
"you're not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have" - Oscar Pistorius.
Be nice to everyone we meet because they are fighting for a battle that we might don't know, respect them like we want to be respected including individual with disabilities.
In regards to International Disabilities Day.

5. Funny things happened while me,Miss Portugal, and Miss Nicaragua waiting for video taking. Miss Portugal thought that Miss Nicaragua speaks Portuguese. With a huge confidence, Miss Portugal started a conversation with Miss Nicaragua in Portuguese. Then awkward silence happened... Turns out that Nicaraguans speak Spanish instead of Portuguese 😂😂
Evidently in Nicaragua they speak Spanish and she said that Spanish and Portuguese have similarities on their language, like Bahasa Indonesia and Malay. They only have the same words on saying "how are you" and "hallo" in both languages. People who speak Portuguese understand Spanish, but Spanish don't understand Portuguese.
Everyday I commit to myself to learn something new and share it to others.

6. 07.12.2015
I feel so excited to talk to other candidates here, not only to learn about each other but also other cultures. Like this conversation between me and Ms. Italy. We had a regular conversation, then we exchanged name card. Ms. Italy tried to say my name, then she came up with a question "so your family name is Putri?" Then I said that's not how it works in my family, our (kids) last name is not family name. My parents decide what their kids last name will be, it's not simply made up. Our names are prayers from parents, sometimes if you combined the meaning first middle and last name of a person it became a good description of that person. Ms. Italy seems shocked of my explanation, she thought that each last name is a family name. Even though some people in Indonesia use their family name as their last name, that doesn't apply in my family. Then she shocked me back with the fact that Italy have pizza day, it happens every saturday! Why saturday? Because it's holiday and it used to be their family day. 🍕🍕🍕

7. Fun things about france! first thing is Liberté, égalitié, fraternité meaning 'liberty, equality and fraternity' (or brotherhood) is the national motto of France. This one is cool, the goverment teach them to respect each other. The second one France is the largest country in the EU. They have 551,000 square km, it's almost a fifth of the EU's total area. So big! The third one, France is the world's most popular tourist destination. 84.7 million visitors arrived in France, according to the World Tourism Organisation report published in 2014. I would love to go there too! Forth, There are over 1,000 different types of cheese made in France, the blue/green-veined Roquefort is the oldest variety. Fifth, Europe's highest mountain is in the French Alps. It's name is Mont Blanc, at 4,810m, takes around 10 to 12 hours to climb to the summit. Sounds great!

8. Just knew that in Venezuela summer is every day of the year because the country only has two weather seasons, the hot and dry season and the hot and wet season. Well, I guess the sun is located in Venezuela 😂 in the other hand Venezuela is blessed by Mother Nature; it has oceans, mountains, rivers, deserts, grasslands, canyons and forests, similar like Indonesia's. The country is considered one of the seventeen megadiverse countries that contain most of earth's species!

9. Today's fun fact!
Do you know that there are two Georgia(s) in this world?
First one is a country. Georgia is located in Europe, northeast side of Turkey, the capital city is Tbilisi. Janet, Miss Georgia, told me that Khachapuri and Khinkali are the most popular food in this country. (These food will be on my must-eat list, yummm)
On the other hand, Georgia is also a state in the USA, north side of Florida, the capital city is Atlanta. By the way, I heard Atlanta has the best Indonesian food in the US! Indonesian students all over the states love to go to Atlanta to visit this Indonesian restaurant.

10. I am blessed to be here! How graceful I am to see all countries stand together in the same time and place. How grateful I am to have beautiful sisters from all over the world. We are here with the same goal, having power to empower people. To enable other people to have confidence and courage to follow their passions. To inspire people how happy we are living in diversity. Let me introduce you to my new family, The 64th Miss Universe 2015


Best Regards,

Ajeng Fadjrahsana Sadida, S.H.

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